Sticklers CleanClicker 750 - 2.5mm
- Sticklers CleanClicker 750 is a tool for cleaning the end faces of fibre optic patch cord connector ferrules AND the end faces of pigtails mounted inside patch panel ports (without dismantling the panel to gain access)
- When the tool is pushed onto the ferrule or into the panel port a high-purity ribbon cleans contamination from the fibre end face. Just one click of the tool is normally sufficient to clean the connector. Fresh ribbon is wound on with each click of the tool
- The tool has sufficient ribbon to clean approximately 750 connectors. Once the ribbon has been exhausted it can be replaced with refills (supplied in packs of 2)
- The CleanClicker an be used in conjunction with Sticklers cleaning fluid to tackle particularly heavily soiled connectors
- Compatible with 2.5mm ferrule connectors including FC/PC, FC/APC, SC/PC, SC/APC, ST, E2000/PC and E2000/APC